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Business Intelligence

What does WinePOS cost up front and what does it cost on an ongoing basis?

WinePOS licenses out the software by the number of registers you have in your store. Remote access, software maintenance, and data backups are a part of our new all inclusive SaaS pricing below.

Software Pricing

Ongoing Monthly Subscription starts at $500 upfront for one register, one location, and a fixed low monthly fee based on the tier required below. Each additional register is $250 upfront and $39 per month.
The subscription includes our standard software renewal cost with Data Vault and Backup Sentry to keep your data safe in case of an emergency. To qualify for the subscription plan, you must use integrated processing with one of our direct partners.

Hardware Cost

With WinePOS you have several options on hardware. You can purchase from us, from another third party, or we can often use what you currently have. The hardware cost will depend on your needs, your counter space, your sales volume, and other various factors.

There Is Something for Everyone

If you would like to learn more about any of our offerings, please book a call today!

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